Sunday, February 10, 2008

About the survey

Over on the left, somewhere down the page, is a survey called "Would you hit it?"

For the old folks in the audience, the phrase "would you hit it?" is a hip/cool/bad/whatever expression generally meaning "would you have sex with him or her?"

A more romantic translation might be, "do you find yon person desirable?"

Yes or no -- either you do or you don't. A much better scale, in my opinion, than the stupid 1 to 10 scale commonly used to evaluate female beauty/sexuality.

But enough about the slang. The point is:

Throughout life I have always assumed I would never "do" a robot. Just seemed like a mechanistic version of a blow-up doll (which I don't find desirable or sexy, and therefore would never "hit").

Sure, I'd do Pris in Blade Runner, or the other chick, the stripper/assassin... but they're both androids, made out of real human body parts (albeit vat-grown)... they ain't robots in the strictest sense of the word. Hey, I'm a guy... I'll do an android female any day over a sheep or a guy or some other aberrant choice which men have been known to choose. =\

(..and before I get comments accusing me of gay-bashing, let me point out I'm talking about my preferences... I assume most gay guys would do an android male over a sheep or a girl... but I can only speak for myself)

(...oh, the same goes for sheep-fuckers... come on, I know you're out there... I try not to make judgements about the behaviors between two consenting adult beings)

(side note: personally, I'd do* Zan in a nanosecond, even though she's blue, bald, alien, and a plant :) see Farscape)

(*n.b.: ok, she's so sweet, instead of "do" her, let's say I'd try to make sweet sweet vegetable love to her for hours :)

So back to the prejudices of my youth... I just assumed I could never do a robot, let alone fall in love with one. My sexual preferences for as long as I can remember (perhaps back to the age of 1?) have been warm, soft, human females.

Over time I see that my views and assumptions... well, let's just say I can see a need to re-examine my deepest psyche... and moral assumptions... we all do... especially in light of the coming tsunami of technology.

Thus this blog, the websites, and real work on sexbot technology.

And ergo the survey: a reflection of our desires, our preferences, our assumptions.

The human actors who play those robots, I assume, are desirable to many of us as sexy creatures. If you had the hots for a real robot that looked and acted just like them...
would you hit it?

I know I would. Personally, there are over 3 checkmarks on my copy of the survey. I won't tell you which ones. That's always a personal choice. I'm just sayin', yes, I could see myself falling in love with the right robot. Now how to go about introducing her to the folks... well, that's just one of the topics up for discussion here and in the future.

By the way, I didn't start this blog, or the focus on sexbots, because I woke up one day with the hots for cyberflesh. Technology is changing every aspect of human capability and communication. I work in this field. It is both my profession and my avocation.

If not now, who? If not me, when?


Tinker said...


damn, i forgot about Rachel, the other droid in BR =) played by Sean Young =) would i throw away the rest of my life for a hot bot like her?

hell yes =) in a split nanosecond =) Harrison Ford made the right choice =)

Tinker said...

speaking of beautiful plants, i could also fall in love with and/or make mad passionate love to Lyekka, the plant woman from the scifi tv show Lexx... even though she's "smooth around the bend"

i recall an Analog story i read a few years ago (when i was just a lad)... about an older Arab guy, an emissary/ambassador from Earth, who was renowned for his willingness and ability to make love to alien females, all part of his job really as a way to seal deals with alien cultures... in the story, he is most challenged but "up" for the task of making love to an alien female that is not only a plant, but plantlike, like a giant philodendron, as opposed to Zan and Lyekka who are plants but in the form of very sexy humanoids...

his willingness to make erotic love to a willing female regardless of her physical form made him a hero and "da man" in my eyes... would that i have the same panache and smoothness if i am ever faced with a hot-to-try-it female from some other culture or species, alien or otherwise =)

what does this have to do with sexbots? just that the human male is attracted naturally to females... even lack of a vagina, as in the case of Lyekka and the Arab's plant friend, is not a show-stopper when it comes to a willingness to exlore rumpy-pumpy fun and pleasure with said female =)

and i have seen evidence that human females are just as omnivorous, or more so, than human males...

i recall one story i read (as a lad) where the girl lay nude in the sun, with her legs widespread, and let the sunshine make love to her... anthropomorphising one of the physical forces and objects in the universe (sun and sunshine)... but in fact it felt to her like the whole universe was making love to her through this means... which i found a beautiful spiritual vision... afterall... for those of us who are goddess-worshippers, who see the whole universe as the goddess, our Mother, when we make love to a woman we are making love to Her, and returning the love to She Who Created Us

by the way, in case you haven't tumbled to it yet, this blog is here for me to put my ramblings, thoughts, and musings on the topic... the focus is on sexbottery, and anything, anything, that touches on that, be it spiritual, ethical, philosophical, technical, practical, allegorical, anatomical, analytical, mythical, mystical, algorithmical, anthropological, biological, biophysical, comical, cortical, cervical, chimerical, etc. etc., products, research, systems theory, software, hardware, meatware, or gooware

-- rumpy-pumpy is the term for it used by Sgt. Lewis, successor to Inspector Morse, heard on PBS...
-- note to meself: expand the -ical list for all things relatable to sexbottery and exploration and explication of same, and post as a blog or side note

datawizard223300 said...

Unconscious Competence = Mastery
Conscious Competence = Learning
Conscious Incompetence = Awareness
Unconscious Incompetence = Ignorance