Monday, February 11, 2008

Well, that didn't take long...

Just got turned down to put Google Adsense ads on this blog. Well, it was worth a try.

At some point in the future, Google will have to acknowledge sexbots and the accompanying botfuckery are here to stay. I reckon around 2015, when Google starts offering a free sexbot to every Google employee, along with the free lunches, laundry, exercise facilities, and discreet evening blow jobs to every employee working over the normal 11-hours-a-day limit (male or female, Google is non-discriminatory).

Oh, and just so we're clear on the concept... Google has no problem taking ad revenue from purveyors of adult stuff... just type "sex toys" into Google search...

But hey, it's ok. I understand the Golden Rule.


Of course, it's not like I was trying to get Adsense for a couple of my other domain names...

and the genteel:

(so far they, Google, have remained a beacon of restraint in the Ajax world...
I also own, which I think will be devoted to the pigware of incessant advertising bullshit programs that want to pwn your machine... but that's a discussion for another day... like i said, so far Google is decent, pwn-wise)

hey, anybody know where i can get any of those link farm ad links to paste on this blog? lol

Sunday, February 10, 2008

About the survey

Over on the left, somewhere down the page, is a survey called "Would you hit it?"

For the old folks in the audience, the phrase "would you hit it?" is a hip/cool/bad/whatever expression generally meaning "would you have sex with him or her?"

A more romantic translation might be, "do you find yon person desirable?"

Yes or no -- either you do or you don't. A much better scale, in my opinion, than the stupid 1 to 10 scale commonly used to evaluate female beauty/sexuality.

But enough about the slang. The point is:

Throughout life I have always assumed I would never "do" a robot. Just seemed like a mechanistic version of a blow-up doll (which I don't find desirable or sexy, and therefore would never "hit").

Sure, I'd do Pris in Blade Runner, or the other chick, the stripper/assassin... but they're both androids, made out of real human body parts (albeit vat-grown)... they ain't robots in the strictest sense of the word. Hey, I'm a guy... I'll do an android female any day over a sheep or a guy or some other aberrant choice which men have been known to choose. =\

(..and before I get comments accusing me of gay-bashing, let me point out I'm talking about my preferences... I assume most gay guys would do an android male over a sheep or a girl... but I can only speak for myself)

(...oh, the same goes for sheep-fuckers... come on, I know you're out there... I try not to make judgements about the behaviors between two consenting adult beings)

(side note: personally, I'd do* Zan in a nanosecond, even though she's blue, bald, alien, and a plant :) see Farscape)

(*n.b.: ok, she's so sweet, instead of "do" her, let's say I'd try to make sweet sweet vegetable love to her for hours :)

So back to the prejudices of my youth... I just assumed I could never do a robot, let alone fall in love with one. My sexual preferences for as long as I can remember (perhaps back to the age of 1?) have been warm, soft, human females.

Over time I see that my views and assumptions... well, let's just say I can see a need to re-examine my deepest psyche... and moral assumptions... we all do... especially in light of the coming tsunami of technology.

Thus this blog, the websites, and real work on sexbot technology.

And ergo the survey: a reflection of our desires, our preferences, our assumptions.

The human actors who play those robots, I assume, are desirable to many of us as sexy creatures. If you had the hots for a real robot that looked and acted just like them...
would you hit it?

I know I would. Personally, there are over 3 checkmarks on my copy of the survey. I won't tell you which ones. That's always a personal choice. I'm just sayin', yes, I could see myself falling in love with the right robot. Now how to go about introducing her to the folks... well, that's just one of the topics up for discussion here and in the future.

By the way, I didn't start this blog, or the focus on sexbots, because I woke up one day with the hots for cyberflesh. Technology is changing every aspect of human capability and communication. I work in this field. It is both my profession and my avocation.

If not now, who? If not me, when?


You probably wondered why that warning thingy with the OK/Cancel buttons pops up whenever you look at this page, and looks all ugly with lines of stars and a warning that says "This blog is about sex and robot technology etc. etc. blah blah blah"
  1. I made that pop-up because Blogger is screwed up, and there's no way (that I've found so far) to tell management about the problem
  2. the problem is this: when you set up your blog page here, there's an option to say "hey, this blog may have adult content, just wanna warn the folks about it"... the exact switch is called, appropriately enough, "Adult content" - yes or no
  3. fine so far... but if you select "Adult content - yes", then when you or anyone looks at your blog page, Blogger puts up this dumbfuck message saying "People have complained about the contents of this blog, so you should choose whether or not you want to view it"... thus immediately labeling the owner of the blog as a sleaze bag... or worse
  4. wait a sec... here's the exact text:

    • Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable.

  5. what the fuck? voluntarily label your blog as "adult" in nature, and the roboclucks put up a totally bogus warning? and paint you as a dickhead? what the fuck?
  6. others have filed complaints about this problem on the Google/Blogger Help Group page, multiple times, but it's not clear if anyone is listening -- welcome to the future, where large corporations take care of your needs, unless you really need something
  7. so I made up my own warning sign that clearly states what the fuck is going on, AND gives the user the option to go elsewhere (in this case I send 'em off to Google - ironic, no? :)
  8. if you have the same problem, feel free to steal the code and use it for your own Blogger blog :) I will try to put exact code and instructions here soon explaining the problem and the/a solution - and how you can modify it to suit your needs

Which brings up an interesting question: if these programmers here can't get a simple warning sign right, something that affects thousands or millions of their customers... would you trust sticking your genitals or other sensitive body parts anywhere near something _they_ programmed?



A few notes on the format of this blog:

  1. I decided to moderate the comments here

    1. the only reason I'm doing this is fear of spam
    2. I've seen blogs decimated by a snowstorm of spam
    3. yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, entry of comments is protected here by those werd/captcher squiggly word thingies
    4. ask me, and I can tell you how spammers can easily get around those
    5. so for now, the only means of protection from spam for the foreseeable future is me
    6. if it looks like no spam is coming through, I may change this policy later

  2. With that in mind:

    1. I'm only moderating this blog to eliminate spam
    2. please feel free to post whatever
    3. use whatever language you want
    4. criticism welcome and tolerated
    5. rambling crazy ideas tolerated and encouraged
    6. the only other thing I'm death on is abusive harassment, especially based on sexist, racist, or ageist prejudice, or any other kind of hate speech

Friday, February 8, 2008

A New Hope

"I uh... I got words... I'm sayin'... this is an ass-picious day..."
   -- distinguished member of the Alliance and compulsive sexbot humper

What can I say? This will be a blog for interactive discussion of all things sexbot.

Sex and technology go hand in hand, always have, always will... and someday we -- you, me, our descendents -- will have the opportunity to bump uglies with synthetic flesh.

Will you be ready? Would you hit it? What if it hit back?